

Towarzystwo Miłośników Kultury Polskiej na Hokkaido Hokkaido-Poland Cultural Association Official Website


album 総会&懇親会 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 紙芝居「わたしはテイコ」2016
    レクチャーコンサート2016; 遠藤郁子ピアノリサイタル2016

総会 2020

第34回定例総会》札幌エルプラザ 2020.11.21
34th Annual Meeting at Sapporo L Plaza 21/11/2020

Photo session: 12 members of the Association attending the Annual Meeting, 5 members of the Sapporo Folk Dance Club

♫ Exodus 2020「シロンスク」舞踊団『エクソドゥス』動画鑑賞会

第96回例会》♪ポーランド国立民族合唱舞踊団「シロンスク」Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Śląsk" オンライン公演動画鑑賞会 ○POLE101; 102; 103(ラファウ・ジェプカ; 遠藤郁子; 村田譲; ズビグニェフ・チェルニャク団長; 長屋のり子)、札幌エルプラザ 2020.11.21 "Exodus" show by the "Śląsk" Ensemble in Sapporo on Nov. 21, 2020 @「シロンスク」より:現代舞踊『Exodus/エクソドゥス』& 民族舞踊ワークショップ(ポロネーズ Polonez; クラコヴィアク Krakowiak; トロヤク Trojak)A札幌よりalbum、協力:ポーランド広報文化センター; 人道の港敦賀ムゼウム 11.3; シアターX (カイ) 11.9; 日本・ポーランド民族舞踊友好協会 11.29; Polish Art & Science Mission in Japan 同日; Forum Polandほか、東京新聞; 朝日新聞、blog 12/6; 12/12; 2021/9/1

Despite the rapid spread of the infection, about 30 people participated in the event and enjoyed the videos of the spectacle "Exodus" and the dance workshops.

プログラム program, パンフレット pamphlet

第1部「シロンスク」より Part 1: From the "Śląsk" Ensemble, 15:00-16:10

1. 開会挨拶 1)安藤厚(北海道ポーランド文化協会会長)
Opening remarks: Atsushi Ando (President, Hokkaido-Poland Cultural Association)
2)ズビグニェフ・チェルニャク(「シロンスク」舞踊団団長)Zbigniew Cierniak (Director, Zespół Pieśni i Tańca "Śląsk" im. Stanisława Hadyny) [3:25]
*1「 『エクソドゥス』プロジェクトの成果と今後の協力の展望」ズビグニェフ・チェルニャク(Mirosław Błaszczak & 安藤厚訳)

2. スライドトーク「ポーランドの文化と社会」ラファウ・ジェプカ(協会事務局長)Slide Talk "Polish Culture and Society" Rafał Rzepka (Secretary General of the Association) [13:47]

3. ♫スペクタクル『エクソドゥス』Spectacle "Exodus" [35:30]

4. ♫ポーランド民族舞踊ワークショップ Workshops of Polish national and folk dances(ポロネーズ Polonez [13:39]; クラコヴィアク Krakowiak [10:59]; トロヤク Trojak [10:53])

第2部 札幌より [8:25] Part 2: From Sapporo, 16:15-16:50

In response to the "Exodus" show ~ Special messages ~

1) "Exodus" への感想 - ラファウ・ジェプカ [3:42]「一在外ポーランド人から*2 Impressions of "Exodus" - Rafał Rzepka "From a Polish abroad"

2) 村田譲「"Exodus" - 100年前のシベリアからのポーランド孤児救出」
Joe Murata "’Exodus' - rescue of Polish orphans from Siberia 100 years ago"
※『未来に伝えたい100年前のニッポン人〜ポーランド孤児救出の軌跡』前編&後編, siberianchildren.pl

3) 遠藤郁子「感動しました。」(代読:熊谷敬子)
*3 Ikuko Endo "Impressed." (Keiko Kumagai: reading on behalf of the author)

4) 長屋のり子「頌歌」(代読:熊谷敬子、舞踊:若松由紀枝)
Noriko Nagaya "Ode to 'Exodus'" (K. Kumagai: reading on behalf of the author; Yukie Wakamatsu: dance)

5) 霜田千代麿:応援パフォーマンス
Chiyomaro Shimoda: Supporting performance for "Exodus"

2. 閉会挨拶:霜田千代麿(協会副会長)
Closing remarks: Chiyomaro Shimoda (Vice President of the Association)

◎聴衆の感想 Audience impressions
"Since I'm taking social dance lessons, it's easy to see how difficult it is to keep your arms level and dance, as shown in the workshops video." (Joe Murata)

"I was impressed with the "Exodus". The choreography of the workshop is technically very high, and it seems difficult for us to dance together." (a member of a fork dance group)

"I think "Exodus" is a wonderful work. The explanations by Rafał Rzepka and Joe Murata were also appropriate. Having this event after our Annual meeting was also a good decision to get a lot of participants. Postponement was considered in terms of measures against coronavirus infection, but considering various circumstances, I think it was unavoidable to hold this day." (one of the stuff members)

「「シロンスク」舞踊団のスペクタクル『エクソドゥス』は素晴らしいダンスパフォーマンスです。この作品を見て、有名なポーランドのアイヌ民族研究家ブロニスワフ・ピウスツキを思い出しました。彼もまた大勢の流刑囚とともにサハリンに送られ、さまざまな試練と決断の末に自分の道を見出し、極東の少数民族の友人にして研究者となりました。いま彼の記念碑が北海道に建てられていて、ポーランドと北海道の間の重要な絆になっています。」(安藤厚) "The spectacle "Exodus" by the "Śląsk" Ensemble is a wonderful dance performance. This work reminded me of the life of the famous Polish Ainu researcher Bronisław Piłsudski. He was also sent to Sakhalin with a large number of exiles, and after various trials and decisions, he found his way as a friend and researcher of the Far Eastern minorities. Currently, his monument is built in Hokkaido, which is one of the important bonds between Hokkaido and Poland." (Atsushi Ando)

*1 Zbigniew Cierniak 'Achievements of the "Exodus" project and prospects for future cooperation' (Translated from Polish by Mirosław Błaszczak)
 At the end of last year, the Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk", enacting as an Ambassador of Polish culture, carried out a project in Japan entitled: 'Inspired dance - from folklore to the present day - presentation of the ballet performance "Exodus" as an innovative approach to the promotion of Polish culture'. The project was recognized by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, which co-financed it within the framework of the 'Inspirational Culture' program. The initial plan was to present the performance in several cities in Japan, but a global pandemic prevented the artists from the tour. Sanitary restrictions made the "Śląsk" Ensemble change the formula of the project, and thanks to the applied solutions, its realization was possible through film screenings and in virtual space. The show events were held under strict sanitary regime, with a limited number of viewers. Despite these adversities, the film recording of "Exodus" performance and the workshops of Polish national dances, which were an integral part of the project, aroused a lot of interest among the Japanese partners. Thanks to this excellent cooperation, Polish culture and folk dance have gained a chance for a wider presence in the consciousness of the Japanese audience.
 The ballet performance "Exodus" is a specific meeting of cultures, showing a different kind of dance and music inspired by the works of the "Śląsk" Ensemble. It was created by a choreographer and head of ballet of the Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk" Michał Zubkow, who basing on the content and emotions contained in the music of world-renowned composer Wojciech Kilar, presented life as a journey in search of happiness, fulfilment of one's desires and closeness to another human being. The performance, materialized on the stage of the Silesian Rozbark Theatre and in the Polish open-air spaces, was enriched with elements of visual arts.
 Historical connotations of the "Exodus" project are worth emphasizing. It was also inspired by events that took place over a hundred years ago, involving the Japanese government and the Japanese Red Cross in rescuing nearly 800 Polish orphans in 1920-1922 from civil war-stricken Siberia. With Japanese help, the children made their way through the ports of Tsuruga and Osaka to Japan, where they received comprehensive care. It was also inspired by the story of the Japanese consul in Lithuania who, repeatedly violating state instructions, issued over 4,000 visas to Jews, mostly from Poland. Like the Polish orphans, many of the Jews came to Japan through the port of Tsuruga. That is why the first film screening of the "Exodus" recording was held in this city, at the Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum. Undoubtedly, the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and Japan, celebrated in 2019, created also a proper space for the activities, like this one, undertaken around the project.
 Film screenings of "Exodus", which took place last year with great support and commitment of the partners, were held in the following places: November 3rd - at the Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum - as an event accompanying the opening of the museum after its renewal, November 9th - at Theater Xcai, with the support of the Polish Institute in Tokyo, November 21st - in Sapporo - honouring the General Meeting of the Hokkaido-Poland Cultural Association, November 29th - in Cultural Creation Hall in Osaka - organized by Japan-Poland Folk Dance Friendship Society, and in Setouchi City Library, where Polish Arts and Science Mission in Japan joined the film presentation with celebration of the Polish Culture Week. The screenings' events of the "Exodus" recording were accompanied by lectures and presentations given by scientists and personalities connected with the circles popularizing Polish culture in Japan, as well as there were photo exhibitions, publications and other exhibits related to Polish tradition. An integral part of the film screenings were workshops of Polish national and folk dances, arranged and recorded by teachers of the "Śląsk" Ensemble in Koszęcin. The workshops enriched encounters with Polish culture and had a great educational value, especially for folk dance enthusiasts in Japan.
 It has been possible to fully present the universality of Polish culture and its role in building world cultural heritage. It well displayed the phenomena of interpenetration of cultures, combining traditional art with contemporary art. At the same time, the compilation of contemporary dance with folk dance, the juxtaposition of performance with workshops of national and folk dances, were an excellent form of showing the timeless significance of traditional culture as a factor integrating the international dance and music community. The role of circles for years promoting Polish culture in Japan and numerous enthusiasts of Polish dance were appreciated and emphasized.
 The Song and Dance Ensemble "Śląsk" is extremely grateful to all project partners for their involvement in organizing the shows in Japan. Thanks to many wonderful and kind people, in a time of constraints due to a global pandemic, the project could be implemented and meet its objectives. The words of appreciation directed to the Ensemble and reviews filled with positive emotions, allow us to draw a conclusion about the great success of the project. It may provide a starting point for even bigger projects in times without sanitation regime restrictions. As it is strongly believed by "Śląsk", that it would be beneficial to use this common capital of experience gained so far in promoting Polish culture in Japan. The cooperation in the popularization of Polish dance, including the rich artistic achievements of the "Śląsk" Ensemble, as well as the active work of the Polish dances lovers in Japan for this goal, are particularly worth strengthening. "Śląsk" is well ready to support the promotion of Polish dances in various forms using its educational potentials: delegating instructors to workshops dedicated especially for students and youth which could be organized in Japan, hosting Japanese folk dance enthusiasts during the Summer Artistic School in the seat of the Ensemble. The Ensemble offers its partners free of charge recordings of its concerts, not only of folk and national music but also of classical and sacred music, programmes about Poland produced with the participation of the Ensemble and other, together with descriptions in Japanese. The Ensemble is also open to suggestions from Japanese partners regarding new areas and forms of cooperation, as well as for participation in undertakings organized by Japanese partners.
 Establishing a more regular and systematic character of further cooperation will undoubtedly contribute to enriching the Polish cultural offer in Japan. It will also improve the quality and effectiveness of this promotion, and, in the long run, develop Polish-Japanese cultural cooperation.
 While thanking the Hokkaido-Poland Cultural Association for the cooperation so far and hoping for its further development, we wish all the members of the Association and their families good health and happiness.

*2 Impressions of "Exodus" - Rafał Rzepka "From a Polish abroad"
 Hi, my name is Rafal Rzepka.
 After seeing the spectacle "Exodus" by the "Śląsk" Ensemble, it was a very moving performance for me, who had been learning to dance and act since elementary school.
 The dance was wonderful, however I was most impressed by the story expressed in it. The word "Exodus" means that many people "escape." The reason I left the country (I have lived in Sapporo for over 20 years) is not so much as "escape," but as a journey to find out more about what I didn't know. I felt that my journey is expressed by this spectacle.
 Leaving your home country, for whatever reason, leads to a variety of pains. Do you remember the "suitcase" scene? In Polish, there is an expression "like sitting on suitcases..." No matter how interesting it may be, it's hard not to have a place to live in the world. "My place to live in" does not mean a physical meaning, but a connection with people.
 I am now 10,000 kilometers away from my parents' house. Life changes a lot depending on whether or not there are people who dance with you in a circle together. There are few Poles living in Sapporo. When I meet Poles in Japan, I often hear that "this country is not our country". However, I think that getting to know many Japanese people is the way to change "exodus" to "life".
 I think that the performance of the "Śląsk" Ensemble has the power to inform the world of the feelings of Poles scattered all over the world. The number of Poles living in Poland is close to 40 million, but the number of Poles outside Poland exceeds 20 million. Poles in different countries of the world communicate with the locals in their respective places.
 I think we are fortunate to have a wonderful organization called "Hokkaido-Poland Cultural Association" in Sapporo. There are various events, and they are warm to foreigners. I am deeply grateful to have been able to enrich communication with the local people.
 Today's films also include nostalgic traditional dances. Thank you to everyone in the "Śląsk" Ensemble for lightening hearts of Poles who live in foreign countries.

*3 Ikuko Endo "Impressed."
 "I was deeply impressed by watching the online performance of the "Śląsk" Ensemble. The history of Poland and "Exodus" overlapped, and I remembered the five years (from 1965) I spent in Poland when I was in my twenties.
 Wojciech Kilar's music was overlaid with the music of the same Polish composer Henryk Górecki (a very Polish melody is repeated). I was convinced that Michał Zubkow, the choreographer, left a collaborative work with Mr. Górecki.

 This melody was overlaid with the Polish folk song "Matulu moja (my mother)" that I heard a long time ago. And I thought of the Polish orphans rescued from Siberia.
The performance, choreography, music, lighting, camera work, everything was overwhelming with a high degree of perfection, and when the repeated melody echoed "Hallelujah (praise of God)", my eyes were hot.
 I was impressed. Bravo!! Bravissimo!!!"

album 総会&懇親会 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 紙芝居「わたしはテイコ」2016
    レクチャーコンサート2016; 遠藤郁子ピアノリサイタル2016

